Sean Tucker: The better your photography gets the less popular it might be.

Tatiana Hopper: Your art ought to be seen by others
Hello fellow photographers. In this episode I am talking with Tatiana Hopper about film school, film photography, process of taking photos and much more.

Robin Schimko: Don't panic, if you have good intentions (in street photography) people can feel that

Samuel Lintaro: Timeless photos are beautiful but I also try to document the times we are living in
In this episode I am talking with Samuel Lintaro Hopf (aka Samuel Streetlife ) about street photography, gear, tips for taking photos, YouTube and much more.

Dotan Saguy - Street & documentary photography, Leica cameras, career, skills, breaking rules & more

Discovering distinct worlds of people AT HOME - book by Susan Kandel - published by Stanley Barker
Hello fellow photographers. In this episode I am talking with photographer Susan Kandel and we are talking about her new book AT HOME.

Eric Kim - Why you should photograph important life events and delete your Instagram - Video Podcast
In this episode I am talking with Eric Kim. We are talking about taking pictures during important life events such as funeral or wedding and more.

Using Artlist music and Artgrid Footage on YouTube (get 2 extra months)
Today I'm going to talk about how I use stock footage and music in my videos, what the advantages are and how you can do the same.

Ulysses Aoki: Street photography in Japan, Leica cameras, portraits, personal style, books and more
I will be talking with Ulysses Aoki. Feel free to join us here on YouTube to ask questions live, or listen to the podcast later. Ulysses Aoki

Tomasz Trzebiatowski - editor-in-chief- What it takes to start photography magazine?
I am talking with Tomasz Trzebiatowski Photographer and independent publisher of the Frames Magazine.

Check out my street photography process with Ricoh GR III walking in Prague.
Check out my street photography process with Ricoh GR III walking in Prague.

Street Photography Stroller Edition feat Ricoh GR III (Prague POV)
This video is exactly what it says in the title. Street Photography with a baby, in a stroller. Check it out if you want to see this Prague street POV.

Excellent Photography Belongs On Paper | Frames Magazine
With a photograph on paper, you receive one more, very special dimension. It starts speaking to you. It invites you to be a part of itself. It lets you hold it and touch it.

Documentary Photography at its Best | The Book of Everything - Mary Ellen Mark
You know what they say, you can't judge a book by its cover but in this case, you would be wrong. This book really has everything!

Take meaningful pictures of your family - Christopher Anderson – Pia
Christopher Anderson's Pia is a wonderful example of transforming and evolving the photos of your loved ones into something more than the generic family portraits. It is a gem I have recently discovered, and it has continued to inspire me ever since.

24 Hours of Darkness - Willem Verbeeck - Walking Svalbard
There is something magical about this place I was able to experience through the photographs of Willem Verbeeck

Photography in the pandemic w/ Matt Day - Social Distancing
This book is one of the products of the pandemic and it proves that even bad situations can produce something good.

Francesco Sembolini - Almost Real - EYESHOT
Almost Real is the debut book of the Italian street photographer Francesco Sembolini. Sembolini is the founder of Italian Street Eyes, a street photography collective and also the Italian Street Photo Festival, the first international street photography festival in Italy.